An exhibition stand is pivotal for elevating your brand’s reputation and helping you reach your target audience. It’s a valuable investment that deserves care and some maintenance to make it last long.

Being a powerful marketing tool, an exhibition stand can change the way others look at your brand. If you want to extend its lifespan, here we are sharing some important details to do so. In this article, we have mentioned some practical steps to take care of your stand.

Select the Right Material

The lifespan of your exhibition stand depends on the material you choose. It critically determines the durability and strength. When opting for one, choose nothing less than a quality material that can easily handle wear and tear.

Fortunately, an abundance of options are there in terms of stand materials such as timber, PVC, fabric, PVC, acrylic, laminates, glass, and more. Among them, timber, aluminum, PVS, and acrylic, are a few of the most durable choices. They are lightweight too so you can easily handle them. When it comes to the graphics part, fabric prints are best. It can counter scratches and printing issues.

Nowadays, the touch of electronic components has made exhibition stands more attractive. However, you have to handle the stands with electronic components carefully. They are prone to damage if not cared for properly.  That’s why you have to understand your needs first before deciding on the material for the exhibition stand.

Prefer Flexibility

Every business keeps changing its advertisement message to connect with the audience. This is why preferring flexibility in your exhibition stand is of utmost importance. A modular design is the key to enhancing its longevity. It provides full freedom in interchanging graphics and making layout adjustments so that you can change it as per the evolution of your brand. After this, you can change the stand look without needing to restart working from scratch. 

In addition, flexibility allows you to understand what’s working for your brand when exhibiting at multiple places. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work the same for all cultures and regions. You will always have to modify according to what’s in demand. Usually, most exhibition halls are large enough that a particular trend is followed. Avoid trying to fit and be prepared for layout adjustments so your stand can perform better without feeling any strain.

Store Properly

Storage is the key to preserving the functionality and beauty of your exhibition stand. When it comes to storing it, you have to decide on a convenient space.

If you want the stand to remain unchanged, keep it under a climate-controlled environment. This will protect it from UV rays and other kinds of damage. Don’t forget to remove dust and dirt accumulating on its surface. What’s better? Putting the stand in a place separate from other items. This helps in mitigating the risk of damage.

Manage the Transport

Your stand is at the highest risk of damage during dismantling and transportation. Mishandling can lead to scratches and damage beyond repair. Sometimes, it can reduce the longevity of the stand too. To transport safely from one point to another, especially handling the delicate parts, you can use protective covers.

Choose a safe mode of transportation and provide the handling procedure in the hands of trained staff only. Inexperienced staff with no idea of how to handle an exhibition stand will cost you additional investment.

For a better effect, design a system of stand dismantling and erecting it. This way, you won’t lose any components attached to the exhibit stand. The better way to do this is using a checklist. Give this checklist to your staff so they can figure out what’s needed to do and what’s not.

Regular Cleaning

 Dust and debris and two of the greatest enemies of your exhibit stand. They can result in wear and tear. That’s why regular cleaning and maintenance hold a special significance. Doing so will prevent the accumulation of dust and debris accumulation. Moreover, keep a check on all existing components to ensure they are performing correctly.

Once your trade show ends, don’t forget to check for the wear and tear. If you notice even a minor harm, fix it immediately. After all, cleaning and inspecting the stand is easier to do when it’s open up. So whenever you dismantle the stand, don’t forget to wipe and clean the surface. Also, use a cotton glove to pack the items because you will not leave any fingerprints this way.

Exhibit Attentively

While using the exhibition stand, don’t miss out on important details which can affect its longevity. For instance, don’t put heavy objects on surfaces that have a very limited weightage limit. Make sure to utilize good cleaning methods as per the surface type.

Always be in charge of your stand and assign its display to an expert. A novice lacks the skill to handle it carefully. Inspect at every moment before putting the stand and after its use is over. Between these durations, any unexpected situation can occur. If the right steps are not followed, be prepared to invest in repairing and additional components.

Consult an Expert

With numerous options available, picking the right choice is a next-to-impossible task. It’s best to consult an expert to learn the art of handling the exhibit stand. Educate your staff in this manner and stay in touch with an expert for more.


Your exhibition stand will be a significant investment in the business. Following the steps given above will maintain its overall design and functionality.

At the same time, you can contribute towards waste reduction by using the same stand in the long run. Thus, be careful in deciding the right material and focus entirely on regular maintenance.

The better you care for the stand, the longer it will sustain and bring visibility to your business. If you are looking to get a new exhibition stand, consider choosing the right exhibition stand design company in Dubai that blends both creativity and durability into one.